Hello friend, how are ya? Speaking of food, definitely not there. Why, the food is one of the basic necessities of the human that must be met. And in the food there is a sense, every individual certainly want flavour compared to the others. Especially if the talk is typical of Central Java, definitely not just one or two, but many. Because in Central Java are represented by many of the county or city and each have their own special characteristics. These 12 specialties that exist in Central Java.
1. Tempe Mendoan
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Tempe Mendoan |
Mendoan is typical of Central Java area of Banyumas. Banyumas famous natural attractions, famous Baturaden mendoan. Tempe mendoan made from a fairly wide, then greased with flour which are already typical seasonings were interfered, and thendeep fried until dry or not mendo. Usually served with sambal mendoan typical or enough with cayenne pepper (nyigit).
2. Salted Egg
Salted Egg |
Who ever visited the Bradford? Along the path line in the area of Brebes salted eggsstores lined. That is one of the specialties of Central Java in Brebes. Brebes is indeedthe greatest duck egg producing centers in Central Java. Besides it tastes good, salted egg is also rich in nutrients such as protein and vitamins. Fits really create a PALwho ngasih gift shop after your tour.
3. Brekecek
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Brekecek |
Moreover, from its name may sound strange. But if you've given PAL brekecek, guaranteed to be hooked. Brekecek is a typical Central Java area of Cilacap. Cilacap famous Turtle Bay and is famous indeed Nusakambangan its results. Brekecek made from the main fish or jahan pathak fish. If PAL never try rica-rica, it feels almost like that.
4. Sroto Purbalingga
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Sroto Purbalingga |
From her name would already know from areas where food, this one is very typicalof Purbalingga. Sroto mention of the region of Purbalingga for Soto became one the best selling because it has the flavour compared to the others. One characteristic of sroto Purbalingga is a sprinkling of peanuts and white crackers. Therefore, there is one type of Sroto Purbalingga is Sroto Kriyik, as if eaten sound kriyik-kriyik.
5. Soup Senerek
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Soup Senerek |
Senerek soup is a food typical for the region of Central Java, Magelang. He said ya, this senerek soup has been around since the days of the Netherlands. Waw, meaningthere's been since the days of our ancestors. This one is indeed distinctive culinary really for cold areas such as Magelang and most delicious when eaten while hot. Several restaurants serving a menu of Soups such as Senerek House Eats Pak Parto in Shops Mulyo Rejo C No. 12, street stalls and Sincere senerek BuAtmo in Mangkubumi.
6. Shark was Beong
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Shark was Beong |
Still the typical culinary of Magelang, namely beong the shark. A type of catfish but not catfish, keep what dong? ry himself wrote it PAL. hehehe. His life is being in rivers andis a typical fish of the progo River. If perceived, its flesh less delicate and not easy to crumble. Fish mate, said beong is very rich in protein content. If you want to try to jump the shark fish typical beong Magelang, just pal around borobudur-outs, i.e. village of Bumen, the village Kembanglimus.
7. Cpanel Dawet Purworejo
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Cpanel Dawet Purworejo |
Dawet cPanel is one of the Central Java regional specialties Purworejo. Unlike the dawet generally green, in keeping with the name cPanel and cPanel and berwana or dawet black. The black color on the cendol is derived from natural dyes abu bakar straw mixed with water and blended in the manufacture of cendol. Taste your own cPanel dawet very tasty and have benefits to cope with the heat in.
8. Tahu Petis
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Tahu Petis |
Tahu petis is typical of Central Java region. Petis tofu can be served for a side dish or as a snack. Named know petis tofu-based pong because that fried and served withpetis black sauce form.
9. Sego Liwet
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Sego Liwet |
Sego Liwet or nasi liwet commonly found in Solo, Central Java. This meal is very typical of Solo, made out of rice that liwet that is cooked with coconut milk, Lemongrass, salt and bay leaf. Plus more supplemented with chicken and egg, add a deliciousand savory dish nasi liwet solo.
10. Sambal Lethok
Sambal Lethok |
Sambal lethok or tumpang Sambal Sambal is made from tempe who almost rot. Do not asked PAL, it's taste is very tasty and make hooked. Typically, the Sambal lethokor tumpang served along with foods such as tofu, tempeh, kikil, porridge and other.Oya, Sambal lethok this is a typical regional food and Boyolali in Central Java. Read also: the choice of cheap attractions in Bandung
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